Monday, July 21, 2008

Crabby Dick's opinion of crochet / knitting

Well i've posted several blogs in the past week and received some interesting replies. It's time to get to the knitty gritty of being married to a "Hooking Fibre Artist". Karend325 and I have been married almost 4 years and i think i have seen so much fibre pass thru our wallets that we could probably fill half the storefront of Webs. This does not include patterns, hooks and the like. Ink cartridges are constantly being delivered by our very own UPS driver. I guess this is the life of a very promising Fibre / Artist. I consider myself a very lucky husband as i am able to have Karend325 spend her days, nights and weekend thinking and working her life's passion. It is not unusual that i may be conversing to her and i ask a question while she has two hooks in her hands, 4 balls of fibre and three personal designs taking up her chair, lap and our dog's sleeping area. Her reply is honey were you talking to me?.

I have my passion and that is family, painting (2nd time around on the entire house) , walking for miles at a time and of course tending to the constant needs of my caring Karend325. If anyone out there (significant other) has this same experience please drop me a line.

Crabby Dick (Rich)


Anonymous said...

Dear Crabby Dick:

Don't forget to feed the dog!

Anonymous said...

Show us some of her work

Anonymous said...

Did you feed the dog?
