Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A day in the life of a fibre artist spouse

Hello, my name is Rich and i'm the spouse of a very promising fibre artist that is very "Crafty" if i may say so. She is very in to her craft and establishing a "Business -Non Profit to date" but that is okay as i encourage her all the way. Her stash fills mutiple cabinets and seem to grow on its own. Maybe this process can be used in the production of fuels?

My wife is in the Ravelry website under Karend325 or something close to it. She saves her money and when she reaches a set sum it seems to disappear either at Webs or one of many other fibre or pattern sites. She has a very good talent for designing as so many of her kind around the globe has e-mailed her. She even has a couple of her designs posted.

I gripe alot but i am so proud of her talents and the way she concentrates on her many projects. She wants to set up her own blog but is so busy preparing for the CGOA conference in New Hampshire in a few weeks.

She is the greatest spouse and freind a man could ever want to spend everyday and then some. Sure i do my share of complaining. What spouse doesn't.

Look forward to hearing from other fibre artist's "significant others"



Adela said...

I can't wait for my husband to come home from work so he can read your blog! I know sometimes he feels a little alone as the spouse of a crocheter.
Keep up the support, I know your wife must really appreciate it.

Rich Drouin (husband of hooker) said...


I look forward to hear your husband's side of the story,


Clara....in TN said...

My dear husband says he is going to put a crochet hook or knitting needles in my hand when I die.....and I say "please do, and don't forget to add some yarn with that also." It's nice that you said good things about your spouse and her craftiness. My crafts are the way I keep my sanity!!!!

River Glorious said...

:D My spouse doesn't complain at all... Sorry there. He just tells me, "Whatever makes you happy," and I, in turn, am careful with his money. Well, our money, since he says that although he brings it in, it's ours. I'm keeping him!

Glad you support your wife. Keep on blogging, I like what I've read so far!

butterflycrochet said...

It was nice to read that you support her in what she does. That makes a huge difference you know. Her creativity wouldn't be as great if she didn't have that support. She is lucky to have you and I'm sure she knows it. I don't design--only crochet but I know that it helps that my husband compliments me on the things I make and is ok with my spending money on what I enjoy.